Meet The Team

Andrew L

Sales Representative

Tim M

Operations Manager

Zac L

Sales Representative

Claudia E

Head of Content Creation

Welcome to Our Tiny Home Journey

G'day, and welcome to Oz Tiny Homes. We're passionate about redefining the way we live. Our story is rooted in the belief that less is more, and that a simpler, more free lifestyle can lead to greater fulfilment and joy.

The Dream Begins

Our journey began in 2021, when the founders decided there must be a solution for the ongoing housing crisis in Australia. They built their first tiny home on the scenic outskirts of New South Wales. This was their dream to create a home at a fraction of the price without losing the functionality and aesthetic of a traditional home.

Crafting a Vision

Then realising, their tiny home was more than just a living space—it was a symbol of a whole new way of living. Freedom for people that previously had a Mortgage, who worked overtime to pay it with little time to actually enjoy their home — The team then rebranded to Oz Tiny Homes. With a background in landscaping and metal fabrication, they focused on creating beautiful, functional, and eco-friendly homes that inspire others to embrace a lifestyle with more freedom.

Our Commitment

From the very beginning, our company has been driven by a commitment to quality, functionality, and aesthetic. We use sustainable materials and innovative building techniques to craft each tiny home. Our designs don’t just look good; they're about maximising comfort, efficiency, and harmony with the environment.

The Oz Spirit

As an Australian company, we celebrate the unique spirit of our country. Our homes are designed to withstand the diverse Australian climate, from the tropical north to the temperate south. Each tiny home is a testament to it’s resilience withstanding the rugged Australian environment.

Growing Together

Since 2021, our tiny home community has grown. We've had the privilege of helping Australians realise their dream of breaking free from the typically way of living. Our community is at the heart of everything we do. We’re not just building homes; we’re building a movement. We believe in the power of small spaces to create big changes in others lives.

Join Our Journey

Thank you for being a part of our story. Whether you're dreaming of your own tiny home or simply curious about the movement, we're here to help. Explore our designs, learn about our process, and join us in celebrating the beauty of living simple. Together, we can make a big difference. Welcome to the future of living.